Opteon™ XP40 (R-449A) is a non-ozone depleting, low global warming potential (GWP) hydrofluoro-olefin (HFO) based refrigerant replacement for R-404A/R-507, R-407A/F, and R-22 for new equipment and retrofit of existing systems. Opteon™ XP40 has a GWP of 1282, which is a 67% reduction, and provides energy consumption 8-12% lower than R-404A/R-507. Compared to R-407A, Opteon™ XP40 offers improved performance, similar capacity and 33% lower GWP.
Additional Info
Ashrae: R-449A
Commercial Refrigeration
-Low- and medium-temperature commercial and industrial DX re- frigeration
-Food service (e.g., condensing units)
-Cold storage
-Self-contained systems
– Centralized rack systems
– Distributed systems
– Walk-in coolers/freezers, prep rooms, etc.
– Direct expansion
– New equipment/retrofit of existing systems
Can be used in:
Cold Storage, Commercial & Retail Air Conditioning, Refrigeration
– Low GWP: 65% reduction compared to R-404A/R-507*
– 8-12% more energy efficient than R-404A/R-507
– Safe and nonflammable**
– Approved by major equipment and component manufacturers
– Alternative to R-407 series low- and medium-temperature re- frigerants
– Compatible with existing equipment design/lubricants
– Superior efficiency to CO2
– Extensively field tested with no equipment/lubricant/seal changes***
– Can be topped off after leaks